Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it.
It is what the client or customer gets out of it.
– Peter Drucker
We have been following this philosophy since beginning and have provided a complete DIY guide for blog migration process. We have covered all the topics as migration of feed-subscribers, Google Friends connect, third party commenting system and much more. To make the process even more easy we have provided blogger to WordPress redirection plugin in opensource. Not just that we also provide free technical support on ‘support forum‘ for people facing problems in migration.
Many times customers ask, why shall we borrow your services when you have already provided the complete DIY tutorial??
And we have got a beautiful answer to this from one of our recent blog migration client ‘Erica’ as a blog post – ‘Should you Do it Yourself‘?

* Courtesy: http://www.nwedible.com/2012/01/should-you-diy-or-hire-a-pro.html
‘Erica’ has given some really nice daily life example to help in decision making. She has given a good insight on two very important factors as
- Intent of DIY
- Ability of DIY
We have been offering our blogger to WordPress migration service for more than 2 years now and have migrated over 800+ blogs successfully. As per our experience, customers do not pay for the migration process as its open for all; instead their willingness to pay is based on saving time as a resource, trust, assurance of successful migration and support (if things go wrong).
Knowledge is a wealth which multiplies with sharing. We have shared all the knowledge base with our beloved users. The shared articles represents our depth of knowledge and expertise which builds trust.
The decision to go for DIY or Experts is subjective to client. There are hundreds of users who have successfully migrated their blogs by following the steps given in tutorial. It adds a lot more pride to us when a user successfully migrate his blog and add a cheerful comment below tutorial. 🙂
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Helpful Links:
- What So Special About Our Service?
- Blogger To WordPress DIY Article.
- Blogger To WordPress DIY Video.
- Blogger To WordPress Redirection Plugin.
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